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Visar inlägg med etikett Bhopal. Visa alla inlägg

söndag 31 mars 2024

Donating my Bhopal Library


Bhopal memorial for those killed and disabled by the 1984 toxic gas release. Photo Luca Frediani.

It is now many years since I finished my work about the Bhopal catastrophe 1984. But during the years, to be able to write my thesis and my book, I have collected a lot of books and other material. This is a collection that probably does not exist anywhere outside Bhopal. I would like it to remain kept together also when I finally leave my home.

torsdag 17 mars 2022

The Bhopal Disaster

The Bhopal gas tragedy, including Sambhavna and Chingari trusts, was an important part of my life 1994 - 2011, with annual visits to Bhopal. When I was banned from India 2011, it became difficult for me to follow what actually happened. Although I have been able to come back since 2015 (except the pandemic years) to visit the family that has "adopted" me, I have not been able to catch up. Because of this, I have decided to finalize all kinds of engagements in the gas tragedy. 

tisdag 10 mars 2020

About Clinical data at Sambhavna Trust Clinic

At the start up period of Sambhavna Trust Clinic in Bhopal, I supported the clinic by developing a computerized health record system.

fredag 1 januari 2016

Mormor to Bhopal, after six years!

Update January 1, 2016

Yes, I have been to Bhopal!!! I invited the ambassador to the wedding. She understood the importance of my visit to Bhopal, and obtained permission for me to go to Bhopal "of strict personal reasons". Three days after the wedding, they called from the embassy and told me. In December, I spent three weeks with my granddaughter, together with her husband in her new home. Many dinners and teas were spent in her uncles' and aunts' houses. I took 7/9 grandchildren to the entertainment park People's mall. 16 of us went by bus 15 hours to Agra and then back again. We went to weddings and other family events. I had lots of time to enjoy my family and all the children (nine, between 3 and 22).

tisdag 9 juni 2015

Hjälp Nepal!

Hjälp människor i Nepal! Bidra till återuppbyggnad av skolor och bostäder!

Kathmandu består av tre gamla byar som vuxit ihop. Varje by har en "gamla stan" med hus byggda av tegel och trä, utsmyckade med snickerier.
Ett äldre hus byggt i traditionell stil.
Fortfarande efter den första stora jordbävningen stod många av dessa hus upp, även om de fick sprickor. Men när den andra stora jordbävningen kom kollapsade de för gott.

När människorna bygger upp sina hus igen blir det nog i modern stil, utan snickarglädje. "Gamla stan" kommer att förlora sin karaktär helt och hållet.

söndag 23 november 2014

The Bhopal disaster 30 years

38 views. April 12, 2015.

Of course, I follow the Bhopal catastrophe, also from this distance. My Bhopali family has been so important for me for 20 years now - and it is because of the Bhopal catastrophe I met them. I also used quite a lot of time preparing my thesis for Master of Public Health and my book The Bhopal Saga that was published exactly 10 years ago.

söndag 1 juni 2014

Meeting my Bhopali family

Tomorrow we leave Kathmandu in Nepal - my Bhopali family to Bhopal, me to Sweden. We have spent nearly two weeks together with a Nepalesi family with some connections in Sweden and some of my friends. Together we have had a very good time. We have been walking on old streets up to temples and stupas. We have been spotting crocodiles from a canoe and swimming with and riding on elephants. We have also played different games in the garden and hide and seek in the house. Some days we had a very nice party where some of us were dressed in Nepalese dress and saries, with music, good food, Indian, Swedish and modern dance.

onsdag 2 april 2014

Facts about Ayurveda

This is an appendix to the article from 2005 "Combining complementary medicine with western medicine - can we gain something?

It is a very short description of Ayurveda, realising that it takes 5-7 years to get an Ayurveda diploma.

Läs på svenska: Läkemedel från världens tak Läkartidningen 39-2015.

Combining complementary medicine with western medicine - can we gain something?

This is a text from 2005, written for a conference where this study was presented. Read also the appendix "Facts about Ayurveda". Presentation with photos is found here.


At the Sambhavna Clinic in Bhopal in India, Ayurvedic medicine is used together with Allopathic (western) medicine to care for the victims of the Carbide gas catastrophe in 1984. The patients and the doctors appreciate this possibility. Use of active and expensive western medicines can be decreased. The small studies that are conducted show positive results. 

måndag 2 december 2013

29 YEARS SINCE THE BHOPAL GAS CATASTROPHE - when Union Carbide's plant let out toxic gases over 500,000 people

99 viewers until April 12, 2015

It is now 29 years since the inhabitants of the slum in Bhopal woke up of breathlessness and cough. Eyes and respiratory tracts were aching like fire. Some did never get up from their beddings. The others fled towards the hospital - many in vain. Around 8,000 people died during the first days. Since that, maybe 10,000 or 20,000 have died in gas related diseases. It is estimated that 100,000 of the 500,000 exposed people have permanent injuries.

söndag 1 december 2013

29 ÅR SEDAN GIFTKATASTROFEN I BHOPAL, INDIEN - när Union Carbides fabrik släppte ut giftiga gaser över 500 000 sovande människor

Det är nu 29 år sedan sluminvånarna i Bhopal vaknade av andnöd och hosta. Det sved som eld i ögon och luftvägar. En del hann inte upp ur bädden. De övriga flydde mot sjukhuset - många av dem förgäves. Ungefär 8 000 människor dog under de första dygnen. Därefter har kanske 10 000 eller 20 000 dött i gasrelaterade sjukdomar. Man bedömer att 100 000 personer av de 500 000 som exponerades för gaserna har permanenta skador.

lördag 23 november 2013

Bhopali - filmen om katastrofen 1984


är en dokumentärfilm om gaskatastrofen i Bhopal, Indien 1984, och dess efterverkningar.

söndag 21 april 2013

How to find "The Bhopal Saga" and Wikipedia references

Update June, 2018. When my "granddaughter" was going to marry, I finally was allowed a visa from the Ambassador. So I have visited Bhopal twice, in 2015 and 2017. My plans are to go back in beginning of 2019, as I am expecting a grand-grand-child.

I am not any longer active in the Bhopal case. But I have copies of The Bhopal Saga to sell. Contact me by ingrid/at/ or on Messenger Ingrid Eckerman (my Swedish speaking ID).

This is the most popular of my texts. 2662 views until April 12, 2015. Probably search mashines from US. The other texts about Bhopal have maximum 200 views.

It is soon nine years since my only book The Bhopal Saga - causes and consequences of the world's largest industrial disaster was launched in India, at the 20th anniversary December 3, 2004. (The publisher made it 2005, I don't know why.) The photo below is from the launch. I downloaded it from the start page of an Indian newspaper. Not until 2008 I got problems with my visa, and since 2010 I am banned from India.

lördag 24 november 2012

"Svensk läkare portförbjuden i Indien"

Detta är titeln på det pressmeddelande jag just skickat ut. Jag hoppas det når långt. Du som läser detta kan kanske hjälpa mig att nå ut?

Pressmeddelandet på svenska
The pressrelease in English

måndag 5 november 2012

I am on India's black list! Banned!


This is the letter that I sent to the Prime Minister in October, 2012.
It was accompanied by two lists of names: 100 grandparents, parents and children, 75 professionals.

fredag 26 oktober 2012

Jag får inte hälsa på min tbc-sjuka "dotter" i Indien

Läs också flikarna Bhopal, India och min hemsida

Jag har just fått reda på att min "dotter" i Bhopal, Indien, har lungtuberkulos. Det är en allvarlig sjukdom trots att det idag finns effektiva mediciner. Hon får räkna med minst ett års behandling och en del biverkningar. Dessutom finns risk att bakterierna är multiresistenta, och då blir hon inte botad. Det känns mycket svårt att jag inte har möjlighet att hälsa på henne.

söndag 29 juli 2012

The Olympic Games and the Bhopal Catastrophe

I was contacted by several relatives and friends. "Do you know there's been a lot on Bhopal on TV? Did you read the article in the biggest daily paper?" And I knew nothing. Not looking at TV, totally uninterested in sports, summerholiday without daily paper, hardly following the news at all ...

söndag 25 mars 2012

Skriv på "Mormor till Bhopal!"

Stöd min önskan att besöka mina barnbarn i Bhopal! Jag vill fira min 71:a födelsedag med dem.
1. Skriv under uppropet på Namnlistan. Är du läkare, sjukvårdspersonal eller forskare rekommenderar jag den professionella listan.
2. Använd kommentatorsfunktionen nedan och skriv ditt namn, stad/land, och om du är mor/farförälder, förälder/vuxen, barn eller professionell. Skriv gärna en kommentar.
3. Skriv ett stödbrevFacebook (Ingrid Eckerman).
4. Skicka ett e-brev till ingrid/at/
Jag kommer att sända alla namn tillsammans med ett brev till premiärministern, inrikesministern och ambassadören, kanske också till media.  

tisdag 13 mars 2012

Ska Dow Chemical få sponsra olympiska spelen i London?

Visst känner man sig smickrad när man blir kontaktad av utländska journalister och citerad på nätet. Dessutom i en fråga om de olympiska sommarspelen i London senare i år. Tycker jag att Dow Chemical ska få vara sponsor och få sin logga utställd?   

måndag 9 maj 2011

Oklar långtidsdödlighet av Bhopal- och Tjernobylkatastroferna

En diskussion om antalet döda i Tjernobylolyckan 1986 har brutit ut i min mail.

Det brukar vara ganska lätt att uppskatta den akuta dödligheten efter en katastrof. Men det är betydligt svårare att bedöma dödligheten på längre sikt - allra helst på så lång tid som det tar att utveckla cancer.