söndag 1 juni 2014

Meeting my Bhopali family

Tomorrow we leave Kathmandu in Nepal - my Bhopali family to Bhopal, me to Sweden. We have spent nearly two weeks together with a Nepalesi family with some connections in Sweden and some of my friends. Together we have had a very good time. We have been walking on old streets up to temples and stupas. We have been spotting crocodiles from a canoe and swimming with and riding on elephants. We have also played different games in the garden and hide and seek in the house. Some days we had a very nice party where some of us were dressed in Nepalese dress and saries, with music, good food, Indian, Swedish and modern dance.

It has been so marvellous to meet them again - my "brother", two of my "children" and four of my "grandchildren", altogether 9 people. When will I get the opportunity to meet them again? And the other 9 who could not come this time - when can we meet? Do we all have to travel far to be able to meet?

There will be a new government in India - BJP. It seems like even muslims (like my family) are looking forward to this change. Will they look differently on cases like mine?

Let's hope that next time, it is enough that I travel, and that we will meet together, the complete family and me.  

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