onsdag 13 januari 2016

Nicaraguanska bondemässan - min häftigaste musikupplevlese!

Falu folkmusikfestival var, framför allt de första åren i slutet på 80-talet, en helt fantastisk verksamhet. Där fick man höra musik från världens alla hörn - musik som aldrig tidigare spelats utanför sitt lands/territoriums område. Grönländsk trumdans, konstiga instrument från Afrikas inland, övertonssång från Sibirien, urgammal georgisk stämsång med mera med mera.

fredag 1 januari 2016

Mormor to Bhopal, after six years!

Update January 1, 2016

Yes, I have been to Bhopal!!! I invited the ambassador to the wedding. She understood the importance of my visit to Bhopal, and obtained permission for me to go to Bhopal "of strict personal reasons". Three days after the wedding, they called from the embassy and told me. In December, I spent three weeks with my granddaughter, together with her husband in her new home. Many dinners and teas were spent in her uncles' and aunts' houses. I took 7/9 grandchildren to the entertainment park People's mall. 16 of us went by bus 15 hours to Agra and then back again. We went to weddings and other family events. I had lots of time to enjoy my family and all the children (nine, between 3 and 22).