söndag 31 mars 2024

Selling off my Bhopal Library


Bhopal memorial for those killed and disabled by the 1984 toxic gas release. Photo Luca Frediani.

It is now many years since I finished my work about the Bhopal catastrophe 1984. But during the years, to be able to write my thesis and my book, I have collected a lot of books and other material. This is a collection that probably does not exist anywhere outside Bhopal. I would like it to remain kept together also when I finally leave my home.

In January 2011, I was denied entrance to India. Since then, it has  been very difficult to follow what happened and update my library. 

Are you interested? Or do you know someone who might be interested? Please contact me by ingrid.eckerman@gmail.com. 

Ingrid Eckerman's Bhopal Library

1. The International Medical Commission on Bhopal 1994. Notes, letters, clippings.

2. The book The Bhopal Saga. Notes, letters, clippings. 

3. Sambhavna Trust. Notes, letters, clippings. 


4. Bhopal Gas Tragedy. Delhi Science Forum Dec 1984/Jan 1984, reprint 1985. Booklet, 60 pp. All early known knowledge summarized.

5. Bhopal: Industrial Genocide? A unique compilation of documents from Indian publishers. Arena Publications Division, March 1985. ISBN 962-7156-01-9. Thirty texts copied from articles in different kind of media Dec 1984 – Jan 1985.


6. Nothing to lose but our lives. Empowerment to oppose industrial hazards in a transnational world. Ed. David Dembo, Clarence J Dias, Ayesha Kadwani, Ward Morehouse. Hongkong: Arena Press 1987. 207 p. ISBN 962-7156-06-10. “Since December 1984, the world has witnessed three of the worst industrial disasters in history: Bhopal, Chernobyl and the fire in a Sandoz warehouse in Basle, Switzerland. This book explores the causes and consequences of these and other industrial disaster. Special attention is given to their transnational characteristics.”


7. Against All Odds. The Health Status of the Bhopal Survivors. Continuing effects of the toxic gases on the health status of the surviving population in Bhopal. Sathyamala C, Vohra N, Satish N.  CEC dec 1989. Booklet, 48 pp. A preliminary report of a medical study carried out five years after the disaster. 

8. Unraveling the tragedy at Bhopal. GFA Inc 1989. A 17 minute documentary shot in India and the US. Video cassette.


9. Findings and Judgements. Third Session on Industrial and Environmental Hazards and Human Rights: 19-24 October, Bhopal-Bombay (India). Asia ’92, Permanent People’s Tribunal. Booklet, 69 pp. Facts and findings of the Bhopal case.

10. Contempt of People. Ramifications of the Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster Case. Jayaprakash, ND. A Delhi Science Forum Publication, October 1992. Booklet, 44 pp. Preparation for the Permanent People’s Tribunal. 

11. Determination of Cyanide and Thiocyanate in Humans. Lundquist, Per. Medical Dissertations No. 355, Linköping University, Sweden 1992. 142 pp. ISBN 91-7870-647-5.  


12. An Exposure-Response Method for Assessing the Long Term Health Effects of the Bhopal Gas Disaster. Ramana Dara V, Kriebel D. Disasters – the Journal of Disaster Studies and Managements Dec 1993;17, no 4:281-290. Photocopy. 


13. The Ophidian and the Orphans of Bhopal. Bhopal Gas TragedyPandey, Arun K. Rajdhan Law House, 1994. 179 pp. “The book is more a narrative than any serious academic exercise. Simply it is an attempt to merely describe the various aspects touching on the subjects.” Summarizing a large amount of legal documents and medical reports.

14. Ku Integracji Krajów Bałtyckich. Bałtyckie forum ekologiczne. (Towards the integration of the Baltic countries. Baltic Sea ecological forum.) Gdańsk 1994. ISBN 83-90 5274-0-5. Includes four papers by members of the International Medical Commission on Bhopal 1994.

15. Bhopal – the inside storyChouhan, T.R. and others. First published in 1994. 2nd updated edition, Other Media Press and The Apex Press 2004. 212 pp. ISBN 1-891843-30-3, 81-85569-65-7 “T.R. Chouhan, a former worker in the plant, tells for the first time his own explosive tory of what it was like to work in the dangerous chemical factory that was destined to go down in history as the site of the world’s worst industrial disaster.”

16. Interim Report of the International Medical Commission on Bhopal. December 1994. 49 pp. Preliminary findings of the experts who met in Bhopal, January 1994. Photocopy. 


17. Environmental Epidemiology in Europe 1995. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Bremen November 13-14, 1995. Bremen Institute for Preventions Research and Social Medicine (BIPS). ISBN 3-88722-356-X. Includes a paper on the International Medical Commission on Bhopal 1994.


18. International Perspectives in Public Health 1996 volumes 11 and 12. Journal, 44 pp. ISSN 8755-5438. Theme: The Bhopal gas disaster.

19. The National Medical Journal of India 1996;9, no 2. Reprint, two articles of members of the International Medical Commission on Bhopal 1994.

20. Long-term morbidity in survivors of the 1984 Bhopal gas leak: an epidemiological survey. Cullinan P, Acquilla S, Dhara VR. 1996. The original of the article above, in the National Medical Journal of India.

21. Charter on Industrial Hazards and Human Rights. Permanent People’s Tribunal 1996. Booklet, 24 pp.


22. Respiratory morbidity 10 years after the Union Carbide gas leak at Bhopal: a cross sectional survey. Cullinan P, Acquilla S, Ramana Dhara V. Reprint from the BMJ, 1 Febr 1997, vol 314, p 338-342.


23. Lung, oropharynx and oral cavity cancer in BhopalDikshit, Rajesh. Acta Universitatis Temperensis 593. Academic dissertation, Tampere School of Public Health and Bhopal Cancer Registry, Bhopal. University of Tampere, Finland 1998. 142 pp. ISBN 951-44-4326-8

24. The Bhopal Gas Tragedy 1984 - ? The Sambhavna trust, Bhopal 1998. 122 pp. A beautiful report, with many photos, on the work done at the Sambhavna trust and clinic.  


25. It was five past midnight in BhopalDominique LaPierre, Javier Moro. Delhi: Full Circle Publishing 2001. Novel, 376 pp. ISBN 81-7621-091-9. “This book recounts the poignant human and technological adventure leading up to the tragedy. Hundreds of characters, situations and adventures are telescoped into this fresco full of love, heroism, faith and hope.”

26. Advocacy after Bhopal. Environmentalism, Disaster, New Global OrdersFortun, Kim. The University of Chicago Press, 2001. ISBN 978-0-226-25720-4, 0-226-25720-7 “Kim Fortun explores these claims by focusing on the dynamics and paradoxes of advocacy in competing power domains. She moves from hospitals in India to meetings with lawyers, corporate executives, and environmental justice activists in the United States to show how the disaster and its effects remain with us.”

27. Chemical Industry and Public Health. Bhopal as an ExampleEckerman I. Essay in Master of Public Health. MPH 2001:24, Nordiska Hälsovårdshögskolan, Göteborg. 56 pp, ISBN 91-89479-59-9. The paper is based on thorough review on already published material. The Logical Framework Approach (LFA) is tested as a method for accident and injury analysis.” 


28. The Bhopal Gas Disaster. Impacts, Responses, Current Status and Recommendations for the future. Fact finding mission on Bhopal 1999-2004, The Other Media, New Delhi. 42 pp. Executive summaries of studies for the National Convention on the Fact Finding Mission on the Bhopal Gas Disaster, November 26-28, 2004. 

29. Bhopal – the inside storyChouhan, T.R. and others. First published in 1994. 2nd updated edition, Other Media Press and The Apex Press 2004. 212 p. ISBN 1-891843-30-3, 81-85569-65-7 “T.R. Chouhan, a former worker in the plant, tells for the first time his own explosive tory of what it was like to work in the dangerous chemical factory that was destined to go down in history as the site of the world’s worst industrial disaster.”

30. Closer to Reality. Reporting Bhopal Twenty Years after the Gas Tragedy. We for Bhopal, a students’ group, the English Department of Hindu College, University of Delhi 2004. Saurabh 98 10554697. A report from the study visit to Bhopal of a group of students, including interview with survivors, NGOs, doctors and bureaucrats.

31. The Bhopal Reader. Remembering twenty years of the world’s worst industrial disaster. Ed. Bridget Hanna, Ward Morehouse, Satinath Sarangi. Other India Press and The Apex Press 2004. 307 p. ISBN 81-85569-70-3, 1-891843-32-X. “The Bhopal Reader seeks to refresh public memory of the event itself – and how it has been represented – by reprinting and annotating landmark writing from across the years.”

32. Trespass Against Us. Dow Chemical & The Toxic Century. Doyle, Jack. ©Environmental Health Fund, Boston, Massachusetts 2004. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press 2004. 486 pp. ISBN 1-56751-268-2. “Trespass Against Us is a story of “invent-first-and-ask-questions-later” chemistry; of toxic and hazardous materials pushed into commerce before being fully tested; and of future generations burdened with toxic chemicals that will persist in the environment for decades.”

33. Elusive justice. A symposium on the Bhopal gas disaster after twenty years. Seminar 544, December 2004. Journal, 90 pp.

34. 20 years After Bhopal. Global Pesticide Campaigner Dec 2004;14 no 3. Journal, 31 pp. Theme: The Bhopal Gas Disaster. 

35. Health Effects of the Toxic Gas Leak from the Union Carbide Methyl Isocyanate Plant in Bhopal. Technical report on population based long term epidemiological studies (1985-1994). Bhopal Gas Disaser Research Centre, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal 2004. 117 pp. After many years, the figures collected by official offices, were released.

36. International Conference on Bhopal Gas Tragedy and its Effects on Process Safety, Dec 1-3, 2004. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. Abstracts.

37. Clouds of injusties. Bhopal disaster 20 years on. Amnesty International 2004. ASA 20/015/2004. ISBN 0-86210-364-9. 98 pp.

38. Summary of “Clouds of injustice. Bhopal disaster 20 years on”. ASA 20/104/2004. Amnesty International 2004. 8 pp.


39. The Bhopal SagaCauses and consequences of the world’s largest industrial disaster. Eckerman, Ingrid. Universities Press (India) Private Limited, Hyderabad 2005. ISBN 81-7371-515-7. 283 pp. The book contains a thorough review of most of what has been written about the incident 1984 - 2004. It discusses the conflicting stance of the Union Carbide Corporation and the Government of India on the moral responsibility for the tragedy. The analysis demonstrates that the two most important factors leading to the mega-gas leak were the design of the plant and the company policy of cutting back on expenses.

40. The Bhopal gas leak: Analyses of causes and consequences by three different models. Eckerman, Ingrid. Journal of Loss Prevention in the process industries 2005;18:213-217   

41. People cried when it opened. 777, The newsletter of the Bhopal Medical Appeal, Spring - Autumn 2005. Journal, 30 pp. Interesting reportages and nice photos from the construction and start of the new Sambhavna clinic.

42. International Conference on Environment and Developoment: Develooping Countries Perspectives. April 7-8, 2005. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Programme and abstracts. 


43. The black box of Bhopal. A closer look at the world’s deadliest industrial disaster. Trafford publishing 2006. D’Silva, Themistocles. ISBN 1-4120-8412-1. “Having worked as a research scientist in Union Carbide’s Agricultural Chemicals Division for over twenty years, the author is well qualified to discuss both the underlying chemistry in the case, as well as the internal workings of Union Carbide Corporation and its Indian subsidiary.”

44. Asian-Pacific Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety.  2006;13:2, July. Journal, 51 pp. ISSN 1237-0843. Includes two articles on the Bhopal gas tragedy.


45. How many more? 777, The newsletter of the Bhopal Medical Appeal, Autumn 2008. Journal. ISBN 074322034X. Special report: Bhopal's damaged children.


46. Unfolding the Betrayal of Bhopal Gas TragedySingh, Moti. Delhi: B.R. Publishing Corporation 2008. 285 p. ISBN 81-7646-622-0 “Who could be a better witness to these intrigues and bungling than this author who was Collector & District Magistrate of Bhopal and the chief coordinator of rescue, relief & rehabilitation operations at the district level? He has unraveled all these truths in this book which is full of startling revelations.”

47. Saira's story. When love is not enough. 777, The Bhopal Medical Appeal. 24th anniversary issue, December 2008. Journal, 32 pp.


48. An Epidemiological Study of Symptomatic Morbidities in Communities Living around Solar Evaporation Ponds and behind Union Carbide Factory, Bhopal 2007 - 2008. Principal investigator Prof. S.C. Tiwari. Co-Investigator(s) Dr Brajendra Mishra and Dr N. Banerjee (report writer). Department of Community Medicine, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopoal 426001, 2009. Photocopy. 

49. Chingari. An occasional newsletter of the Chingari Trust. April 2009, Bhopal. Folder, 8 pp.


50. Pesticides News No 87. Journal, March 2010, 24 pp. Includes one article about the toxic ground water and one about provision of health care for Bhopal survivors. 

51. The Children of Bhopal. 777 The Bhopal Medical Appeal Winter 2010. Journal, 36 pp. Reportages and photos from Sambhavna clinic. 


52. Bhopal2011. Requiem & revitalization. 23 Jan - 04 Feb 2011 Students workshop & symposium. First call, May 2010. Print-out. 18 pp.

53. Bhopal2011. Landscapes of memory. Ed. Amritha Ballal, Jan af Geijerstam. SpaceMatters, India and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NRNU), 2011. ISBN 978-82-725-9121-1. “The Bhopal2011 – workshop and symposium held in Bhopal in January 2011 focused on the possible transformation of the site into a place of remembrance and a resource for the city of Bhopal. Landscapes of memory is a documentation of the process, insights and outcomes of Bhopoal2011.”


54. Rethinking Bhopal. A definitive guide to investigating, preventing and learning from industrial disastersBloch, Kenneth. Elsevier Inc 2016. ISBN 978-0-12-803778-2 “This text is instrumental in helping existing organization reevaluate their own exposures and risks and would be a valuable read for any member of a process safety management team. Rethinking Bhopal provides expansion of knowledge and understanding for the novice in process safety management (PSM) while also providing depth and application consideration to challenge more experienced industry professionals.”


55. Ethics of Chemistry: From Poison Gas to Climate Engineering. Ed. Schummer, Joachim & Børsen, Tom. World Scientific 2021. ISBN 978-9811233531. 568 pp“From poison gas in WWI to climate engineering of the future, this volume covers the most important  historical cases of chemistry. It draws lesson from major disaster of the past, such as in Bhopal and Love Canal, or from thalidomide, Agent Orange, and DDT.”

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