onsdag 15 april 2015

Women's rights also in China and Nepal?

It is not only in India and Western countries that the fight for women's right to move freely and safely outside home has started. The stone seems to have started to roll also in China, the world's largest country.

måndag 23 mars 2015

Young men need contact with children?

12 April 2015: 15 views.

Another terrible gang rape in India. This time an old lady of my own age. A nun - was this the first time she had sex? She also was seriously injured. Which means that the men did not use only ther own penis, but also other things.

We want to connect sexuality with love, affection, tenderness, romance. We want to connect human beings with tenderness, attention, love, concern, solidarity, empathy. How come that some human beings can throw all this aside and behave like monsters?