How do I dare? That's what I ask myself also. To arrange an international scientific conference in two months, with no budget, no professional support, no knowledge about marketing, not the right contacts, etc. etc. etc.
But we managed! Thanks to the sponsor Save the Children Sweden, thanks to the lecturers who do not expect economic compensation, thanks to the group of six volunteers who shared the work, thanks to social media.
It was in the middle of July, when Sweden is closed because of summer holidays (4-5 weeks for employees), my friend and I got this idea. Professor William Maley, Australia, surprisingly said yes and "I pay my own expences". When we asked organisations for collaboration and support, Save the Children said yes, we sponsor the conference. When we finally had got hold on a few more lecturers, we chanced and published the conference, on August 23, six weeks ago.
Now we are there. The day after tomorrow, the conference How safe is Afghanistan? will take place. More than 100 persons will attend. Around the world, we don't how many will follow the conference on Facebook. Later on, others will see it on youtube. We have no idea of how many will actually follow it.
Of course, our hope is that the findings presented by the researchers will support the opinions of UNHCR, Red Cross, Amnesty and other organisations: that Afghanistan is too dangerous for deportations. But we don't know. We will get more facts on the table. The conclusion might be that it is enough safe to deport some refugees to some parts of Afghanistan.
And of course: We tried to keep the fee very low so "ordinary" volunteers should have a chance. So our budget is on minus. We hope to get some more donatins later on.
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Stoppa utvisningarna av afghanska ungdomar! (Stop deportations of Afghan youth!)
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