onsdag 10 december 2014

Att lära vuxna läsa och skriva - ett långsiktigt projekt

Riktigt bra bistånd är svårt. Det bygger på personligt engagemang, djup kunskap om problemen och kulturen, och oftast småskalighet. Det bästa jobbet görs av eldsjälar som på plats får med sig lokalsamhället. 

söndag 23 november 2014

The Bhopal disaster 30 years

38 views. April 12, 2015.

Of course, I follow the Bhopal catastrophe, also from this distance. My Bhopali family has been so important for me for 20 years now - and it is because of the Bhopal catastrophe I met them. I also used quite a lot of time preparing my thesis for Master of Public Health and my book The Bhopal Saga that was published exactly 10 years ago.

torsdag 13 november 2014

The sterilization catastrophe in Chhattisgarh

72 readers until April 12, 2015.

Translation of a blog in Swedish

I was asked to say something about the catastrophe in the state of Chhattisgarh, India, where at least 13 women died after a doctor with two assistants did 83 sterilization operations in 5 hours. The operation is done by keyhole surgery and resection of the fallopian tubes. The operation itself does not take many minutes, but in Sweden, the staff’s preparations and taking care of the patient after the operation takes a quite long time.